利用Tivoli Storage Manager做系统备份

前一阵刚刚给我们组搭建了一台CVS服务器,用于管理我们的Auomation TAF代码,美国的同事说必须要用TSM做备份,防止这些资源的意外丢失不可恢复。这是公司对于Property保护的必要措施。起初连TSM是什么都不清楚,后来终于了了解了,还是在本地搭一个吧,用SVL TSM Server一是慢,二是自己的管理权限不够。于是就有了下篇的文章,记录我从搭一个TSM server,并把我们的CVS server座位client,把backup保存在TSM Server上的过程。
1. Tivoli Storage Manager Introduction
TSM is storage management software that automates data backup and restore functions IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM or ITSM) is a centralized, policy-based, enterprise class, data backup and recovery software. The software enables the user to insert objects not only via backup, but also through space management and archive tools. It also allows to retrieve the same data via similar restore, recall, and retrieve methods.

2. Installation

Server Installation:

tar xjf

Run the install_server script. The syntax is:


默认安装到 /opt/Tivoli/

Client installation:


3. 启动TSM

1. Start TSM server


会进入TSM交互命令窗口,就像db2cmd > db2命令一样。

Tivoli Storage Manager for Linux/i386

Version 5, Release 4, Level 3.0

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2007.

All rights reserved.

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure

restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 13:24:53 on Mar 26 2008.

ANR7801I Subsystem process ID is 3220.

ANR0900I Processing options file dsmserv.opt.

ANR4726I The ICC support module has been loaded.

ANR0990I Server restart-recovery in progress.

ANR0200I Recovery log assigned capacity is 8 megabytes.

ANR0201I Database assigned capacity is 16 megabytes.

ANR0306I Recovery log volume mount in progress.

ANR0353I Recovery log analysis pass in progress.

ANR0354I Recovery log redo pass in progress.

ANR0355I Recovery log undo pass in progress.

ANR0352I Transaction recovery complete.

ANR1635I The server machine GUID, 04.6d.13.c0.14.3e.df.11.87.2c.00.14.5e.7a.75.c6, has initialized.

ANR2100I Activity log process has started.

ANR4726I The NAS-NDMP support module has been loaded.

ANR1305I Disk volume /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/backup.dsm varied online.

ANR1305I Disk volume /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/archive.dsm varied online.

ANR2803I License manager started.

ANR8200I TCP/IP driver ready for connection with clients on port 1500.

ANR0993I Server initialization complete.

ANR9639W Unable to load Shared License File dsmreg.sl.

ANR2560I Schedule manager started.

ANR0984I Process 1 for EXPIRATION started in the BACKGROUND at 01:45:39 PM.

ANR0916I TIVOLI STORAGE MANAGER distributed by Tivoli is now ready for use.

ANR0811I Inventory client file expiration started as process 1.

ANR9652I An EVALUATION LICENSE for IBM System Storage Archive Manager will expire on 05/03/2010.

ANR0812I Inventory file expiration process 1 completed: examined 0 objects, deleting 0 backup objects, 0 archive objects

volumes, and 0 recovery plan files. 0 errors were encountered.

ANR9652I An EVALUATION LICENSE for Tivoli Storage Manager Basic Edition will expire on 05/03/2010.

ANR9652I An EVALUATION LICENSE for Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition will expire on 05/03/2010.

ANR2828I Server is licensed to support IBM System Storage Archive Manager.

ANR2828I Server is licensed to support Tivoli Storage Manager Basic Edition.

ANR2828I Server is licensed to support Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition.

ANR0985I Process 1 for EXPIRATION running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state SUCCESS at 01:45:39 PM.


4. 添加并注册client node到server

register node ITS_CDL_CVS passw0rd

5. Backup client node


但是当尝试在CVS Server也就是TSM Client上做backup时,确出现如下错误:

Server interactive console上打印出:


ANR0406I Session 8 started for node ITS_CDL_CVS (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip

ANR0522W Transaction failed for session 8 for node ITS_CDL_CVS (WinNT) – no space available in storage pool BACKUPPOOL and all

successor pools.

ANR0522W Transaction failed for session 8 for node ITS_CDL_CVS (WinNT) – no space available in storage pool BACKUPPOOL and all

successor pools.

ANR0403I Session 8 ended for node ITS_CDL_CVS (WinNT).


1) 查看BACKUPPOOL容量仅为10M,太小了,需要加大此Volume容量。


ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: QUERY VOLUME

Volume Name                  Storage         Device         Estimated       Pct      Volume

Pool Name       Class Name      Capacity      Util      Status

————————     ———–     ———-     ———     —–     ——–

/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/-     ARCHIVEPOOL     DISK               5.0 M       0.0     On-Line


/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/-     BACKUPPOOL      DISK              10.0 M      85.3     On-Line


QUERY VOLUME format=detailed

ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: QUERY VOLUME format=detailed

Volume Name: /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/archive.dsm

Storage Pool Name: ARCHIVEPOOL

Device Class Name: DISK

Estimated Capacity: 5.0 M

Scaled Capacity Applied:

Pct Util: 0.0

Volume Status: On-Line

Access: Read/Write

Pct. Reclaimable Space:

Scratch Volume?:

In Error State?:

Number of Writable Sides:

Number of Times Mounted:

Write Pass Number:

Approx. Date Last Written:

Approx. Date Last Read:

Date Became Pending:

Number of Write Errors:

Number of Read Errors:

Volume Location:

Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable :

Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE

Last Update Date/Time: 04/02/2010 01:01:12 PM

Begin Reclaim Period:

End Reclaim Period:

Drive Encryption Key Manager:

Volume Name: /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/backup.dsm

Storage Pool Name: BACKUPPOOL

Device Class Name: DISK

Estimated Capacity: 10.0 M

Scaled Capacity Applied:

Pct Util: 85.3

Volume Status: On-Line

Access: Read/Write

Pct. Reclaimable Space:

Scratch Volume?:

In Error State?:

Number of Writable Sides:

Number of Times Mounted:

Write Pass Number:

Approx. Date Last Written:

Approx. Date Last Read:

Date Became Pending:

Number of Write Errors:

Number of Read Errors:

Volume Location:

Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable :

Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE

Last Update Date/Time: 04/02/2010 01:01:11 PM

Begin Reclaim Period:

End Reclaim Period:

Drive Encryption Key Manager:

2) 定义新的dsm文件作为Volume


define volume BACKUPPOOL /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/backup2.dsm access=readwrite formatsize=1000

ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: DEFINE VOLUME BACKUPPOOL /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/backup2.dsm access=readwrite


ANR0984I Process 3 for DEFINE VOLUME started in the BACKGROUND at 02:45:24 PM.

ANR2491I Volume Creation Process starting for /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/backup2.dsm, Process Id 3.

Volume Name                  Storage         Device         Estimated       Pct      Volume
Pool Name       Class Name      Capacity      Util      Status
————————     ———–     ———-     ———     —–     ——–
/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/-     ARCHIVEPOOL     DISK               5.0 M       0.0     On-Line
/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/-     BACKUPPOOL      DISK              10.0 M      85.3     On-Line
/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/-     BACKUPPOOL      DISK           1,000.0 M 0.0     On-Line

6. 定义一个Scheduler来定时backup



define schedule standard daily_backup starttime=05:00 duration=2 durunits=hours

ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: DEFINE SCHEDULE standard daily_backup starttime=05:00 duration=2 durunits=hours

ANR2500I Schedule DAILY_BACKUP defined in policy domain STANDARD.


define association standard daily_backup ITS_CDL_CVS

ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: DEFINE ASSOCIATION standard daily_backup ITS_CDL_CVS

ANR2510I Node ITS_CDL_CVS associated with schedule DAILY_BACKUP in policy domain STANDARD.


query schedule standard

ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: QUERY SCHEDULE standard

Domain           *     Schedule Name        Action     Start Date/Time          Duration     Period     Day

————     –     —————-     ——     ——————–     ——–     ——     —

STANDARD               DAILY_BACKUP         Inc Bk     04/02/2010 05:00:00          2 H        1 D      Any


Storage Management Server for Linux/i386 – Version 5, Release 4, Level 3.0


注:Useful Links:

TSM IC:http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v1r1/index.jsp

以上只是很简单的搭建了一个TSM server做备份,TSM是一个很复杂很强大的产品,继续学习,有待挖掘。

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